
This page has visualizations for the CCA model example, Atlantis Summit Common Scenario 1. For full explanation of methods, see the file linked at the beginning of each section.

Simulate a survey part 2: create a standard survey

Full methods are explained here.

One approach to creating a standard survey is to map species into general groups that are likely to have similar efficency and selectivity. For example, we expect that a bottom trawl survey will have generally lower efficiency for pelagic species than for demersals. We can also set efficiency to a very small number for infrequently encountered species occupying habitats that are not suited to bottom trawl sampling. This can simulate survey sampling for “data poor” species. Similarly, a common selectivity at age (or in this case, Atlantis cohort) can be defined for each species group.

First, we map species into general groups for each model:

# make defaults that return a standard survey, implement in standard_survey
# users need to map their species groups into these general ones
#   large pelagics/reef associated/burrowers/otherwise non-trawlable
#   pelagics
#   demersals
#   selected flatfish

if(initCCA) { #Sarah's CCA Grouping
  nontrawl <- c("Shark_C","Yelloweye_rockfish","Benthopel_Fish","Pisciv_S_Fish",
  pelagics <- c("Pisciv_V_Fish","Demersal_S_Fish","Pacific_Ocean_Perch","Mesopel_M_Fish",
  demersals <- c("Demersal_P_Fish","Planktiv_O_Fish","Demersal_D_Fish",
  selflats <- c("Pisciv_D_Fish", "Arrowtooth_flounder","Petrale_sole")

if(initNEUS) { # Sarah's NEUS Grouping
  nontrawl <- c("Pisciv_T_Fish", "Shark_D", "Shark_P", "Reptile", "Mesopel_M_Fish")
  pelagics <- c("Planktiv_L_Fish", "Planktiv_S_Fish", "Benthopel_Fish", "Pisciv_S_Fish")
  demersals <- c("Pisciv_D_Fish", "Demersal_D_Fish","Demersal_E_Fish", 
                 "Shark_B", "SkateRay")
  selflats <- c("Pisciv_B_Fish")

if(initNOBA) { # Sarah's NOBA Grouping
  nontrawl <- c("Sharks_other", "Pelagic_large","Mesop_fish")
  pelagics <- c("Pelagic_small","Redfish_other","Mackerel","Haddock",
  demersals <- c("Demersals_other","Demersal_large","Flatfish_other","Skates_rays",
  selflats <- c("Long_rough_dab")

We use the following specifications for our default standard bottom trawl survey, including survey cv by species group:

# general specifications for bottom trawl survey:
#   once per year at mid year
#   could generalize from the run.prm file: 
runpar <- load_runprm(, run.prm.file)
noutsteps <- runpar$tstop/runpar$outputstep
stepperyr <- if(runpar$outputstepunit=="days") 365/runpar$toutinc
#   take midpoint of 0, steps per year to start seq and go to max time by steps per year
midptyr <- round(median(seq(1,stepperyr)))

annualmidyear <- seq(midptyr, noutsteps, stepperyr)

#   hardcoded for NEUS 1.0 in trunk here
# annualmidyear <- seq(3,251,5)
# #other options for NEUS
# annualspring <- seq(2,251,5)
# annualfall <- seq(4,251,5)

#   all fish (and sharks!! need dogfish in NEUS)
# could add groups "CEP" for cephalopod, "PWN" for prawn, etc

# NOBA model has InvertType, changed to GroupType in file, but check Atlantis default
if(initNOBA) funct.groups <- rename(funct.groups, GroupType = InvertType)

survspp <- funct.groups$Name[funct.groups$IsTurnedOn==1 &
                           funct.groups$GroupType %in% c("FISH", "SHARK")]

#   ~75-80% of boxes (leave off deeper boxes?)
#   cant think of a way to generalize across models, must be hard coded in reality
#   hardcoded for NEUS 1.0 in trunk here: boxsurv <- c(1:21)
boxpars <- load_box(, box.file)
# should return all model areas
# boxall <- c(0:(boxpars$nbox - 1))
boxsurv <- c(2:round(0.8*(boxpars$nbox - 1)))

#   define bottom trawl mixed efficiency
ef.nt <- 0.01 # for large pelagics, reef dwellers, others not in trawlable habitat <- 0.1  # for pelagics <- 0.7  # for demersals
ef.fl <- 1.1  # for selected flatfish

# bottom trawl survey efficiency specification by species group
effnontrawl <- data.frame(species=nontrawl, efficiency=rep(ef.nt,length(nontrawl)))
effpelagics <- data.frame(species=pelagics, efficiency=rep(,length(pelagics)))
effdemersals <- data.frame(species=demersals, efficiency=rep(,length(demersals)))
effselflats <- data.frame(species=selflats, efficiency=rep(ef.fl,length(selflats)))

efficmix <- bind_rows(effnontrawl, effpelagics, effdemersals, effselflats)

#   mixed selectivity (using 10 agecl for all species)
#     flat=1 for large pelagics, reef dwellers, others not in trawlable habitat
#     sigmoid 0 to 1 with 0.5 inflection at agecl 3 for pelagics, reaching 1 at agecl 5, flat top
#     sigmoid 0 to 1 with 0.5 inflection at agecl 5 for most demersals and flatfish, reaching 1 at agecl 7, flat top
#     dome shaped 0 to 1 at agecl 6&7 for selected demersals, falling off to 0.7 by agecl 10

sigmoid <- function(a,b,x) {
  1 / (1 + exp(-a-b*x))

# survey selectivity specification by species group
selnontrawl <- data.frame(species=rep(nontrawl, each=10),
selpelagics <- data.frame(species=rep(pelagics, each=10),
seldemersals <- data.frame(species=rep(demersals, each=10),
selselflats <- data.frame(species=rep(selflats, each=10),

# same selectivity for selflats and demersals specified above
# visualze selectivity curves for each group
plot(selnontrawl$agecl, selnontrawl$selex)
plot(selpelagics$agecl, selpelagics$selex)
plot(seldemersals$agecl, seldemersals$selex)
plot(selselflats$agecl, selselflats$selex)


# implement dome shaped selectivity for a particular species and replace default
# not done yet staying simple for now

selexmix <- bind_rows(selnontrawl, selpelagics, seldemersals, selselflats)

# use this constant 0 cv for testing
surv_cv_0 <- data.frame(species=survspp, cv=rep(0.0,length(survspp)))

#   define bottom trawl survey cv by group
cv.nt <- 1.0 # for large pelagics, reef dwellers, others not in trawlable habitat <- 0.5  # for pelagics <- 0.3  # for demersals
cv.fl <- 0.3  # for selected flatfish

# specify cv by species groups
surv_cv_nontrawl <- data.frame(species=nontrawl, cv=rep(cv.nt,length(nontrawl)))
surv_cv_pelagics <- data.frame(species=pelagics, cv=rep(,length(pelagics)))
surv_cv_demersals <- data.frame(species=demersals, cv=rep(,length(demersals)))
surv_cv_selflats <- data.frame(species=selflats, cv=rep(cv.fl,length(selflats)))

surv_cv_mix <- bind_rows(surv_cv_nontrawl, surv_cv_pelagics, surv_cv_demersals, surv_cv_selflats)

Here we use create_survey on the biomass output of run_truth to create the survey, so the call to sample_survey_biomass will require a weight at age argument that is filled with 1’s because no conversion from numbers to weight is necessary.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; first 9 species.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; first 9 species.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; next 9 species.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; next 9 species.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; next 9 species.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; next 9 species.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; last 9 species. Depending on the model, we may not show all species in this example.

Testing whether the survey census gives the same results as the Atlantis output biomass index file; last 9 species. Depending on the model, we may not show all species in this example.

Given the misses using survey number outputs from run truth with a calculated weight at age, we will not repeat this example using numbers.