initCCA <- TRUE

species_ss <- c("Pacific_sardine")

# make up a constant 0 cv for testing
surv_cv <- data.frame(species=species_ss, cv=rep(0.0,length(species_ss)))

# call sample_survey_biomass with a bunch of 1000s for weight at age
# in the code it multiplies atoutput by wtatage/1000 so this allows us to use
# biomass directly
wtage <- data.frame(species=rep(species_ss, each=10),

This used to work

Before I cleverly changed sample_survey_biomass to have the right units to use weight at age. Now if we want biomass_ages to give a correct survey, the fake wtage we give it needs to be 1000 instead of 1. So much for a shortcut.

Test biomass_ages use in create survey in old CCA run vs new CCA run


#Load functional groups
funct.groups <- load_fgs(,
                         file_fgs = functional.groups.file)
#Get just the names of active functional groups <- funct.groups %>% 
  filter(IsTurnedOn == 1) %>%
  select(Name) %>%


sardold <- run_truth(scenario =,
                     dir =,
                     file_fgs = functional.groups.file,
                     file_bgm = box.file,
                     select_groups = species_ss,
                     file_init = initial.conditions.file,
                     file_biolprm = biol.prm.file,
                     file_runprm = run.prm.file,
                     verbose = TRUE
## Warning in `[<`(`*tmp*`, , 3:12, value = structure(list(`1` =
## structure(c(469L, : provided 13 variables to replace 10 variables
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2013_OA_off/ successfully"
## Numbers read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2013_OA_off/ successfully"
## Reserve nitrogen read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2013_OA_off/ successfully"
## Structural nitrogen read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2013_OA_off/ successfully"
## Eaten read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2013_OA_off/ successfully"
## Grazing read in.
## Volume read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2013_OA_off/ successfully"
## Catch read in.
## Catch numbers correction needed for this codebase, starting
## Catch numbers corrected
## Catch per fishery read in.
## Catch for all fisheries in biomass read in.
## Start calc_functions
## Start writing to HDD.
survey_testBold <- create_survey(dat = sardold$biomass_ages,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall,
                                 effic = effic1,
                                 selex = selex1)

surveyB_frombio_old <- sample_survey_biomass(survey_testBold, surv_cv, wtage)

# read Atlantis output files
atBtxt2old <- read.table(file.path(, paste0("output",, "BiomIndx.txt")), header=T)
# lookup the matching names, put in time, species, biomass column format
# WARNING hardcoded for output with last species group as DIN
groupslookup <- funct.groups %>%
  filter(IsTurnedOn > 0)

atBtxt2tidyold <- atBtxt2old %>%
  select(Time:DIN) %>%
  #select(Time, FPL:DIN) %>%
  rename_(.dots=with(groupslookup, setNames(as.list(as.character(Code)), Name))) %>%
  gather(species, biomass, -Time) %>%
  filter(species %in% species_ss)
## Warning: rename_() is deprecated. 
## Please use rename() instead
## The 'programming' vignette or the tidyeval book can help you
## to program with rename() :
## This warning is displayed once per session.

Compare with BiomIndex.txt

surveyB_lastweek_old <- readRDS(file.path(, paste0(, "surveyBcensus.rds")))

surveyB_lastweek <- surveyB_lastweek_old %>%

compareB <-ggplot() +
  geom_line(data=surveyB_frombio_old, aes(x=time/5,y=atoutput, color="survey census B"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  geom_line(data=surveyB_lastweek, aes(x=time/5,y=atoutput, color="survey census B last week"), 
            alpha = 1/10) +
  geom_point(data=atBtxt2tidyold, aes(x=Time/365,y=biomass, color="txt output true B"),
           alpha = 10/10) + 
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +

compareB + 
  facet_wrap(~species, scales="free") 

Why doesnt it now? It does now.


#Load functional groups
funct.groups <- load_fgs(,
                         file_fgs = functional.groups.file)
#Get just the names of active functional groups <- funct.groups %>% 
  filter(IsTurnedOn == 1) %>%
  select(Name) %>%


sardnew <- run_truth(scenario =,
                     dir =,
                     file_fgs = functional.groups.file,
                     file_bgm = box.file,
                     select_groups = species_ss,
                     file_init = initial.conditions.file,
                     file_biolprm = biol.prm.file,
                     file_runprm = run.prm.file,
                     verbose = TRUE
## Warning in `[<`(`*tmp*`, , 3:12, value = structure(list(`1` =
## structure(c(469L, : provided 13 variables to replace 10 variables
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2063_run11/ successfully"
## Numbers read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2063_run11/ successfully"
## Reserve nitrogen read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2063_run11/ successfully"
## Structural nitrogen read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2063_run11/ successfully"
## Eaten read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2063_run11/ successfully"
## Grazing read in.
## Volume read in.
## [1] "Read /Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CalCurrent2063_run11/ successfully"
## Catch read in.
## Catch numbers correction needed for this codebase, starting
## Catch numbers corrected
## Catch per fishery read in.
## Catch for all fisheries in biomass read in.
## Start calc_functions
## Start writing to HDD.
survey_testBnew <- create_survey(dat = sardnew$biomass_ages,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall,
                                 effic = effic1,
                                 selex = selex1)

surveyB_frombio_new <- sample_survey_biomass(survey_testBnew, surv_cv, wtage)

# read Atlantis output files
atBtxt2new <- read.table(file.path(, paste0("output",, "BiomIndx.txt")), header=T)
# lookup the matching names, put in time, species, biomass column format
# WARNING hardcoded for output with last species group as DIN
groupslookup <- funct.groups %>%
  filter(IsTurnedOn > 0)

atBtxt2tidynew <- atBtxt2new %>%
  select(Time:DIN) %>%
  #select(Time, FPL:DIN) %>%
  rename_(.dots=with(groupslookup, setNames(as.list(as.character(Code)), Name))) %>%
  gather(species, biomass, -Time) %>%
  filter(species %in% species_ss)

Compare with BiomIndex.txt

compareB <-ggplot() +
  geom_line(data=surveyB_frombio_new, aes(x=time/5,y=atoutput, color="survey census B"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  geom_point(data=atBtxt2tidynew, aes(x=Time/365,y=biomass, color="txt output true B"),
             alpha = 10/10) + 
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +

compareB + 
  facet_wrap(~species, scales="free")