
This page has visualizations for the NOBA model example, CERES Global Sustainability. For full explanation of methods, see the file linked at the beginning of each section.

Simulate a survey part 3: sample for length and age composition

Full methods are explained here.

The following settings should achieve a survey that samples all Atlantis model output timesteps, all fish and shark species, and all model polygons, with perfect efficiency and full selectivity for all ages:

# should return a perfectly scaled survey 
effic1 <- data.frame(,

# should return all lengths fully sampled (Atlantis output is 10 age groups per spp)
# BUT CHECK if newer Atlantis models can do age-specific outputs
selex1 <- data.frame(species=rep(, each=10),

# should return all model areas
boxpars <- load_box(, box.file)
boxall <- c(0:(boxpars$nbox - 1))

# these are model specific, generalized above
# if(initCCA) boxall <- c(0:88) 
# if(initNEUS) boxall <- c(0:29)
# if(initNOBA) boxall <- c(0:59) 

# should return all model output timesteps; need to generalize
# if(initCCA) timeall <- c(0:100) 
# if(initNEUS) timeall <- c(0:251)
# if(initNOBA) timeall <- c(0:560) 

# generalized
runpar <- load_runprm(, run.prm.file)
noutsteps <- runpar$tstop/runpar$outputstep
stepperyr <- if(runpar$outputstepunit=="days") 365/runpar$toutinc

timeall <- c(0:noutsteps)
# define set of species we expect surveys to sample (e.g. fish only? vertebrates?)
# for ecosystem indicator work test all species, e.g.
survspp <- 

# to keep plots simpler, currently hardcoded for vertebrate/fished invert groups
# if(initCCA) survspp <-[c(1:44, 59:61, 65:68)] 
# if(initNEUS) survspp <-[1:21]
# if(initNOBA) survspp <-[1:36]

# for length and age groups lets just do fish and sharks
# NOBA model has InvertType, changed to GroupType in file, but check Atlantis default
if(initNOBA) funct.groups <- rename(funct.groups, GroupType = InvertType)

survspp <- funct.groups$Name[funct.groups$IsTurnedOn==1 &
                           funct.groups$GroupType %in% c("FISH", "SHARK")]

#if(initCCA) survspp <- survspp[!survspp %in% "Pisciv_T_Fish"]

Here we use create_survey on the numbers output of run_truth to create the survey census of age and length composition.

Next, get true annual (cohort) age comp from this census survey based on run truth. (is there a standard Atlantis output I can compare this to as we did for biomass?)

Then we use the sample_fish function and compare to true annual age comp calculated above as a test. These should match. We show compositions sampled for the initial time step, a time step in the middle of the run, and the last timestep.

NOBA matches perfectly here.