#For testing


This demonstrates the Atlantis to atlantisom to SS3 workflow with the California Current run that includes climate forcing, recruitment variability, and the fishing scenario outlined for our project in Norway: “output_CC_2063_OA_OFF_22”.

We will go from Atlantis model output to SS input and run in this page for a single species, “sardine”, that doesn’t require any age class splitting.

species_ss <- c("Pacific_sardine")

needed.files <- ls()
print(unlist(lapply(needed.files, FUN=get)))
##  [1] "outputCCV3BiomIndx.txt"                                                                          
##  [2] "CalCurrentV3_Biol.prm"                                                                           
##  [3] ""                                                                         
##  [4] "CalCurrentV3_utm.bgm"                                                                            
##  [5] "outputCCV3Catch.txt"                                                                             
##  [6] "/Users/sgaichas/Documents/0_Data/Atlantis/Poseidon/poseidon-dev/atlantisoutput/CC_2063_OA_OFF_22"
##  [7] "CalCurrentV3Groups.csv"                                                                          
##  [8] ""                                                                         
##  [9] "CalCurrentV3_run.xml"                                                                            
## [10] "CCV3"                                                                                            
## [11] "Pacific_sardine"

The below example requires a folder in your project directory named “atlantisom” containing the above files from an Atlantis output.

#Check for needed files

#Load functional groups
funct.groups <- load_fgs(,
                         file_fgs = functional.groups.file)
#Get just the names of active functional groups <- funct.groups %>% 
  filter(IsTurnedOn == 1) %>%
  select(Name) %>%

This can be run with species_ss in select_groups to get results only for that species. Here I’m running with all species; took about 50 minutes to return.

# default run_truth setup will save the file, so check for that first

                          paste0("output",, "run_truth.RData")))){
  #Store all loaded results into an R object
  truth <- run_truth(scenario =,
                     dir =,
                     file_fgs = functional.groups.file,
                     file_bgm = box.file,
                     select_groups =,
                     file_init = initial.conditions.file,
                     file_biolprm = biol.prm.file,
                     file_runprm = run.prm.file,
                     verbose = TRUE
} else {
  truth <- get(load(file.path(,
                              paste0("output",, "run_truth.RData"))))

In the big picture, we will have the true population dynamics from Atlantis which we need for reference to compare with estimated population dynamics from the stock assessment estimation models.

Ideally we will have a function that gets the whole truth (and nothing but the truth) from Atlantis and stores it in a sensible way for later comparison and calculation of performance metrics.

Then we will have a function that implements the “survey” that produces the stock assessment inputs and sends those to the SS file writing functions. Here the survey functions are still separate.

Survey Census

The following settings should achieve a survey that samples all Atlantis model output timesteps, all species, and all model polygons, with perfect efficiency and full selectivity for all ages:

# make a function for this

Get true total biomass, total numbers. This code gets results for all species and saves the output true B and N.

# this uses result$biomass_ages to sample biomass directly, no need for wt@age est
survey_testBall <- create_survey(dat = truth$biomass_ages,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = survspp,
                                 boxes = boxall,
                                 effic = effic1,
                                 selex = selex1)

# make up a constant 0 cv for testing
surv_cv <- data.frame(species=survspp, cv=rep(0.0,length(survspp)))

# call sample_survey_biomass with a bunch of 1000s for weight at age
# in the code it multiplies atoutput by wtatage/1000 so this allows us to use
# biomass directly
wtage <- data.frame(species=rep(survspp, each=max(age_classes)),

surveyB_frombio <- sample_survey_biomass(survey_testBall, surv_cv, wtage)

#save for later use, takes a long time to generate
saveRDS(surveyB_frombio, file.path(, paste0(, "surveyBcensus.rds")))

# this uses result$nums and a new function to get survey index in numbers (abundance)

survey_testNall <- create_survey(dat = truth$nums,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = survspp,
                                 boxes = boxall,
                                 effic = effic1,
                                 selex = selex1)

# as above, make up a constant 0 cv for testing
surv_cv <- data.frame(species=survspp, cv=rep(0.0,length(survspp)))

surveyN <- sample_survey_numbers(survey_testNall, surv_cv)

#save for later use, takes a long time to generate
saveRDS(surveyN, file.path(, paste0(, "surveyNcensus.rds")))

Plot true biomass and numbers for “sardines.”

trueB <- readRDS(file.path(, paste0(,"surveyBcensus.rds")))

trueB_ss <- trueB %>%
# read Atlantis output files
atBtxt2 <- read.table(file.path(, paste0("output",, "BiomIndx.txt")), header=T)
groupslookup <- funct.groups %>%
  filter(IsTurnedOn > 0)

atBtxt2tidy <- atBtxt2 %>%
  select(Time:DIN) %>%
  #select(Time, FPL:DIN) %>%
  rename_(.dots=with(groupslookup, setNames(as.list(as.character(Code)), Name))) %>%
  gather(species, biomass, -Time) %>%
  filter(species %in% c("Pacific_sardine"))

plotB <-ggplot() +
  geom_line(data=trueB_ss, aes(x=time/stepperyr,y=atoutput, color="survey census B"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  geom_point(data=atBtxt2tidy, aes(x=Time/365,y=biomass, color="txt output true B"),
             alpha = 10/10) + 
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +

plotB +
  facet_wrap(~species, scales="free") 

trueN <- readRDS(file.path(, paste0(,"surveyNcensus.rds")))

trueN_ss <- trueN %>%

##              used    (Mb) gc trigger    (Mb) limit (Mb)   max used    (Mb)
## Ncells    1038933    55.5    1728602    92.4         NA    1728602    92.4
## Vcells 1494901204 11405.2 2505407411 19114.8      65536 1496889912 11420.4
plotN <-ggplot() +
  geom_line(data=trueN_ss, aes(x=time/stepperyr,y=atoutput, color="survey census N"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +

plotN +
  facet_wrap(~species, scales="free") 

Get true population age comp, length comp, and weight at age. Now we go to single species to speed things up.

# wrap these individual calls into a function
survey_N_ss <- create_survey(dat = truth$nums,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall,
                                 effic = effic1,
                                 selex = selex1)

# apply default sample fish to get numbers, effNhigh samples all, see census_spec
# NOPE! effNhigh is not big enough for census of sardines, bigger breaks function
#numssshigh <- sample_fish(survey_N_ss, effNhigh)

numsss <- aggregate(survey_N_ss$atoutput,list(survey_N_ss$species,survey_N_ss$agecl,survey_N_ss$time),sum)
names(numsss) <- c("species","agecl","time","atoutput")
numssshigh <- data.frame(species = numsss$species,
                      agecl = numsss$agecl,
                      polygon = NA,
                      layer = NA,
                      time = numsss$time,
                      atoutput = numsss$atoutput)

# save age comps
saveRDS(numssshigh, file.path(, paste0(, "natage_census_sard_hake.rds")))

# aggregate true resn per survey design
aggresnss <- aggregateDensityData(dat = truth$resn,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall)

# aggregate true structn per survey design
aggstructnss <- aggregateDensityData(dat = truth$structn,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall)

#dont sample these, just aggregate them using median
structnss <- sample_fish(aggstructnss, effNhigh, sample = FALSE)

resnss <-  sample_fish(aggresnss, effNhigh, sample = FALSE)

# this function does the length sampling and also weight at age
length_census_ss <- calc_age2length(structn = structnss,
                                 resn = resnss,
                                 nums = numssshigh,
                                 biolprm = truth$biolprm, fgs = truth$fgs,
                                 CVlenage = 0.1, remove.zeroes=TRUE)

#save for later use, takes a long time to generate
saveRDS(length_census_ss, file.path(, paste0(, "lengthwt_census_sard_hake.rds")))

Plot some of the age, length comps, and wtatage for selected timesteps (after burnin)

Natage <- readRDS(file.path(, paste0(, "natage_census_sard_hake.rds"))) 

Natagesub <- Natage %>% 
  filter(time %in% c(155:195))

for(sp in unique(Natage$species)){
  Natagesubsp <- Natagesub %>%
  Natageplot <- ggplot(Natagesubsp, aes(x=agecl, y=atoutput)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_tufte() +
    labs(subtitle = paste(,
  Natageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 1, scales="free")
  Natageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 2, scales="free")
  Natageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 3, scales="free")
  Natageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 4, scales="free")
##              used    (Mb) gc trigger    (Mb) limit (Mb)   max used    (Mb)
## Ncells    1031188    55.1    1728602    92.4         NA    1728602    92.4
## Vcells 1494885654 11405.1 2505407411 19114.8      65536 1496889912 11420.4
lengthwt_census_ss <- readRDS(file.path(, paste0(, "lengthwt_census_sard_hake.rds")))

len <- lengthwt_census_ss$natlength

lensub <- len %>% 
  filter(time %in% c(155:195))

for(sp in unique(len$species)){
  lensubsp <- lensub %>%
  lfplot <- ggplot(len, aes(upper.bins)) +
    geom_bar(aes(weight = atoutput)) +
    theme_tufte() +
    labs(subtitle = paste(,
  lfplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=4, nrow = 4, page = 1, scales="free_y")
  lfplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=4, nrow = 4, page = 2, scales="free_y")
  lfplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=4, nrow = 4, page = 3, scales="free_y")

wtage_ann <- lengthwt_census_ss$muweight %>%
  filter(time %in% annualmidyear)

##              used    (Mb) gc trigger    (Mb) limit (Mb)   max used    (Mb)
## Ncells    1035506    55.4    1728602    92.4         NA    1728602    92.4
## Vcells 1500604684 11448.8 2505407411 19114.8      65536 1507291015 11499.8
# reverse to show agecl time series of wt
wageplot <- ggplot(wtage_ann, aes(time, atoutput)) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = factor(agecl))) +
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  xlab("model timestep (5 per year)") +
  ylab("average individual weight (g)") +
  labs(subtitle = paste0(, " annual mid year sample"))

wageplot + facet_wrap(c("species"), scales="free_y")

Get true catch in tons (may not be different from input for our project)

truecatchbio <- load_catch(, file_catch = catch.file, fgs = funct.groups)

truecatchbio_ss <- truecatchbio[truecatchbio$species == species_ss,]

##              used    (Mb) gc trigger    (Mb) limit (Mb)   max used    (Mb)
## Ncells    1037566    55.5    1728602    92.4         NA    1728602    92.4
## Vcells 1500609666 11448.8 2505407411 19114.8      65536 1507291015 11499.8
# note: time output of this file is in days
# what model timestep is this output matching?
# rescale catch in biomass time from days to years
truecatchbio_ss$time <- as.integer(truecatchbio_ss$time/365)

plotcatch <- ggplot() +
  geom_line(data=truecatchbio_ss, aes(x=time,y=atoutput, color="true catch bio"),
            alpha = 10/10) +
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +

plotcatch +
  facet_wrap(~species, scales="free") 

Get true catch at age and other comps (may not be different from input for our project). First see if catch output is at same timescale as population by checking fstepperyr.

# get survey nums with full (no) selectivity
catchN_ss <- create_fishery_subset(dat = truth$catch,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall)

# try summing this to get true catch in nums by timestep with surv_cv = 0
totcatchN <- sample_survey_numbers(catchN_ss, surv_cv)

# save true total catch in numbers by timestep, need to sum to year
saveRDS(totcatchN, file.path(, paste0(, "catchN_census_sard_hake.rds")))

# apply default sample fish as before to get numbers
# no, dont apply sample, effN isnt high enough and can't be made high enough
#catch_numssshigh <- sample_fish(catchN_ss, effNhigh)

# just aggregte true numbers over layer and polygon
catch_numsss <- aggregate(catchN_ss$atoutput,list(catchN_ss$species,catchN_ss$agecl,catchN_ss$time),sum)
names(catch_numsss) <- c("species","agecl","time","atoutput")
catch_numssshigh <- data.frame(species = catch_numsss$species,
                      agecl = catch_numsss$agecl,
                      polygon = NA,
                      layer = NA,
                      time = catch_numsss$time,
                      atoutput = catch_numsss$atoutput)

# save true catch at age
saveRDS(catch_numssshigh, file.path(, paste0(, "catchage_census_sard_hake.rds")))

# aggregate true resn per survey or fishery subset design
catch_aggresnss <- aggregateDensityData(dat = truth$resn,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall)

# aggregate true structn per survey or fishery subsetdesign
catch_aggstructnss <- aggregateDensityData(dat = truth$structn,
                                 time = timeall,
                                 species = species_ss,
                                 boxes = boxall)

#dont sample these, just aggregate them using median
catch_structnss <- sample_fish(catch_aggstructnss, effNhigh, sample = FALSE)

catch_resnss <-  sample_fish(catch_aggresnss, effNhigh, sample = FALSE)

# get catch lengths and wtage at every timestep
catch_length_census_ss <- calc_age2length(structn = catch_structnss,
                                 resn = catch_resnss,
                                 nums = catch_numssshigh,
                                 biolprm = truth$biolprm, fgs = truth$fgs,
                                 maxbin = 150,
                                 CVlenage = 0.1, remove.zeroes=TRUE)

#save for later use, takes a long time to generate
saveRDS(catch_length_census_ss, file.path(, paste0(, "catchlengthwt_census_sard_hake.rds")))

This is true catch at age for sardine:

catch_numssshigh <- readRDS(file.path(, paste0(, "catchage_census_sard_hake.rds")))

catchage <- catch_numssshigh %>%
  filter(species == "Pacific_sardine")

##              used    (Mb) gc trigger    (Mb) limit (Mb)   max used    (Mb)
## Ncells    1038296    55.5    1728602    92.4         NA    1728602    92.4
## Vcells 1500628249 11448.9 2505407411 19114.8      65536 1507291015 11499.8
catageplot <- ggplot(catchage, aes(x=agecl, y=atoutput)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_tufte() +
  labs(subtitle = paste(,

catageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 1, scales="free")

catageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 2, scales="free")

catageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 3, scales="free")

catageplot + facet_wrap_paginate(~time, ncol=3, nrow = 3, page = 4, scales="free")

Derive “Data” from Atlantis to give to SS3

Specify our survey sampling. This could come from other information such as the overlap of actual survey stations with OM polygons, experiments evaluating survey selectivity and efficiency, actual sample-based survey cv, etc.

Here we are using Christine’s specifications, which approximate the acoustic survey index used in the sardine assessment:

# from atlantisom/config/sardine_config.R, to be generalized here

#Set species name
species <- "Pacific_sardine" #change to species_ss if we want both 

#Directory with SS files
model_dir <- "Sardine_SS_files/"

#Name of SS data file
datfile_name <- "sardEM_3_3.dat"

#Name of atlantis model output - this is an RData object from the runtruth() function
#atlantis_output_name <- "outputCCV3run_truth.RData"

eff_case <- 0.5

#Age classes of your species
age_classes <- 1:12

#Selectivity function - a vector equivalent to length (age classes)
sel_by_age <- rep(1,length(age_classes))

#Atlantis model timestep corresponding to the true output--now from census_spec.R
timestep <- stepperyr #5

#Which atlantis timestep does the survey run in?--now from census_spec.R
# with 5 output steps per year, 0 is Jan-Feb-midMar, 1 is midMar-Apr-May, 
# 2 is June-July-midAug, 3 is midAug-Sept-Oct, 4 is Nov-Dec (ish)

survey_sample_time <- midptyr #3 this is more late summer-fall, changed to 2

#The last timestep to sample
total_sample <- noutsteps-1 #495

#Vector of indices of survey times to pull
survey_sample_full <- seq(survey_sample_time,
                          total_sample, by=timestep)

#Effective sample size for composition data (annual total samples)
surveyEffN <- 1000
fisheryEffN <- 1000

#CVs for length at age, catch, and survey
CVs <- list("lenage"=0.1, "fishery"=0.01, "survey"=0.1)

#Number of years of data to pull
nyears <- 50

#Atlantis initialization period in years
burnin <- 30

#Maximum size of a fish in cm
maxbin <- 150

#Years to fish, assuming fishing output is annual and years index 1,2,3 etc
#fish_years <- burnin:(burnin+nyears-1)
# fishery output timestep (fstepperyr in census_spec.R) for this run is 5 per year

# here we are summing the catch in numbers for input in to SS.
# To use the total catch biomass output from catch.txt the above would work 
# because the output is annual but in units of DAYS so needs time/365

#The last timestep to sample
total_sample <- noutsteps-1 #495

#Vector of indices of catch in numbers to pull (by timestep to sum)
fish_sample_full <- c(0:total_sample)
fish_burnin <- burnin*fstepperyr+1
fish_nyears <- nyears*fstepperyr
fish_times <- fish_sample_full[fish_burnin:(fish_burnin+fish_nyears-1)]
fish_timesteps <- seq(fish_times[5], max(fish_times), by=fstepperyr) #last timestep
#fish_years <- unique(floor(fish_times/fstepperyr)+1) # my original
fish_years <- unique(floor(fish_times/fstepperyr)) #from Christine's new sardine_config.R

# potential problem: while they are from the same model year,
# fish_years dont match survey_years timesteps (survey mid year, fishery end)
# so when matching use the index, not the value itself

#Years to survey, assuming survey is once per year
#survey_years <- survey_sample_full[(burnin+1):(burnin+nyears)] # my original
survey_years <- survey_sample_full[burnin:(burnin+nyears-1)] #from Christine's new sardine_config.R

#Month of survey/fishing
survey_month <- 7
fishing_month <- 1

#Efficiency of the survey
effic <- data.frame(species=species, efficiency=eff_case)

# Assume uniform selectivity, same as selex1 here
sel<- data.frame(species=rep(species,length(age_classes)),

Get input survey biomass for SS (these have q, selectivity, cv)

#Sample survey - 3rd timestep simulates a summer survey
survey_out <- create_survey(dat=truth$nums, 

#Try a biomass based survey for comparison
survey_outB <- create_survey(dat=truth$biomass_ages,

#Set effective sample size for age compositions
effN <- surveyEffN
highEffN <- data.frame(species=species, effN=rep(effN, length(species)))

#Sample fish for age composition
age_comp_data <- sample_fish(survey_out, highEffN)

# aggregate true resn per survey design
survey_aggresnstd <- aggregateDensityData(dat = truth$resn,
                                          time = survey_sample_full,
                                          species = species,
                                          boxes = boxall)

# aggregate true structn per survey design
survey_aggstructnstd <- aggregateDensityData(dat =truth$structn,
                                             time = survey_sample_full,
                                             species = species,
                                             boxes = boxall)

ss_structnstd <- sample_fish(survey_aggstructnstd,
ss_resnstd <- sample_fish(survey_aggresnstd,

#Extract length composition data
ss_length_stdsurv <- calc_age2length(structn = ss_structnstd,
                                     resn = ss_resnstd,
                                     nums = age_comp_data,
                                     biolprm = truth$biolprm, fgs = truth$fgs,
                                     CVlenage = CVs$lenage, remove.zeroes=TRUE)

#Need to replace with interp function
wtAtAge <- ss_length_stdsurv$muweight %>%
  select(species, agecl, time, wtAtAge = atoutput) %>%
  mutate(wtAtAge = wtAtAge/1000)

# CV function
cv <- data.frame(species=species_ss, cv=CVs$survey)

#Sample survey biomass
survObsBiom <- sample_survey_biomass(dat=survey_out,cv=cv,wtAtAge)

# check against survey with truth$biomass_ages output
wtage1 <- data.frame(species=rep(species_ss, each=max(age_classes)),

survObsBiomB <- sample_survey_biomass(dat=survey_outB,cv=cv,wtage1)

# survey numbers, not sure which SS needs?
survObsNum <- sample_survey_numbers(dat=survey_out,cv=cv)

Do some comparisons of biomass surveys with truth.

plotB <-ggplot() +
  geom_point(data=atBtxt2tidy, aes(x=Time/365,y=biomass, color="txt output true B"),
             alpha = 10/10) + 
  geom_line(data=trueB_ss, aes(x=time/stepperyr,y=atoutput, color="survey census B"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  geom_point(data=survObsBiomB, aes(x=time/stepperyr,y=atoutput, color="survey sample B from biomass_ages"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +

plotB +
  facet_wrap(~species, scales="free") 

plotB <-ggplot() +
    geom_point(data=atBtxt2tidy, aes(x=Time/365,y=biomass, color="txt output true B"),
             alpha = 10/10) + 
    geom_line(data=trueB_ss, aes(x=time/stepperyr,y=atoutput, color="survey census B"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  geom_point(data=survObsBiom, aes(x=time/stepperyr,y=atoutput, color="survey sample B from nums * wtAtAge"), 
            alpha = 10/10) +
  theme_tufte() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +

plotB +
  facet_wrap(~species, scales="free") 

Get composition inputs for SS (survey and fishery catch at age, survey and fishery lengths, survey and fishey weight at age).

Because catch composition information goes in to the assessment as a proportion, we can use fishery catch at age from this legacy codebase even with absolute catch numbers likely half what they should be overall.

# Survey length comps and wtage done above to get survey ts using nums*wtage approach

#We end up using CAAL for the survey below, so let's generate fishery age comps instead
effN <- fisheryEffN/fstepperyr
effN <- data.frame(species=species, effN=effN)

#catch at age each timestep summed over polygons
# catch at age by area and timestep
catch_numbers <-  create_fishery_subset(dat = truth$catch,
                                         time = fish_times,
                                         species = species,
                                         boxes = boxall)

catch_numsss_samp <- sample_fish(catch_numbers, effN)

##              used    (Mb) gc trigger    (Mb) limit (Mb)   max used    (Mb)
## Ncells    1051686    56.2    2526452   135.0         NA    2526452   135.0
## Vcells 1502249443 11461.3 2505407411 19114.8      65536 2505386780 19114.6
#Get weights
# aggregate true resn per fishery subset design
catch_aggresnss <- aggregateDensityData(dat = truth$resn,
                                 time = fish_times,
                                 species = species,
                                 boxes = boxall)

# aggregate true structn fishery subsetdesign
catch_aggstructnss <- aggregateDensityData(dat = truth$structn,
                                 time = fish_times,
                                 species = species,
                                 boxes = boxall)

#dont sample these, just aggregate them using median
catch_structnss_samp <- sample_fish(catch_aggstructnss, effN, sample = FALSE)

catch_resnss_samp <-  sample_fish(catch_aggresnss, effN, sample = FALSE)

# these fishery lengths and weight at age are each output timestep
catch_lengthwt_samp <- calc_age2length(structn = catch_structnss_samp,
                                 resn = catch_resnss_samp,
                                 nums = catch_numsss_samp,
                                 biolprm = truth$biolprm, fgs = truth$fgs,
                                 maxbin = maxbin,
                                 CVlenage = CVs$lenage, remove.zeroes=TRUE)

Write data for Stock Synthesis

To read in the Stock Synthesis files, first ensure you have the latest version of r4ss. You will need to ensure the relevant Stock Synthesis files are stored in the inst/extdata/ folder, with each species example in its own folder.

#devtools::install_github("r4ss/r4ss", dependencies = FALSE)
## Loading required package: r4ss
#source("./config/sardine_config.R") this is above for illustration <- r4ss::SS_readdat_3.30(paste0("./inst/extdata/",
## Running SS_readdat_3.30
## SS_readdat_3.30 - read version = 3.30
## use_meanbodywt (0/1): 0
## N_lbinspop:
## use_lencomp (0/1): 1
## N_lbins: 48
## N_agebins: 10
## use_MeanSize_at_Age_obs (0/1): 0
## N_environ_variables: 0
## Read of data file complete. Final value = 999

Now changing catch units to tons!

Write time series biomass (tons) and catch (tons–taken directly from truth without error) data for SS using SS_write_ts:

#Test writing CPUE in biomass <- SS_write_ts(ss_data_list =,
                ts_data = list(survObsBiom$atoutput[fish_years],
                  truecatchbio_ss$atoutput[truecatchbio_ss$time %in% fish_years]),
                CVs = c(CVs$survey,
                data_years = list((survObsBiom$time[fish_years]-survey_sample_time)/timestep+1,             fish_years),
            sampling_month = list(rep(survey_month,nyears),
                units = c("biomass","biomass"),
                fleets = c(2,1))$CPUE$catch

Writing age composition data


#Get the age bins
age_bin_names <- names($agecomp)[10:length(names($agecomp))]
age_bins <- sub("a","",age_bin_names)

age_comp_flat <- reformat_compositions(age_comp_data,
                     round.places = 4,
                     comp_type = "agecomp")
## Warning in dcast(data = comp_proportion, formula = time ~ agecl, value.var
## = "comp"): The dcast generic in data.table has been passed a grouped_df and
## will attempt to redirect to the reshape2::dcast; please note that reshape2
## is deprecated, and this redirection is now deprecated as well. Please do
## this redirection yourself like reshape2::dcast(comp_proportion). In the
## next version, this warning will become an error.
## Write age composition data for survey <- SS_write_comps(ss_data_list =,
               comp_matrix = list(age_comp_flat[burnin:(burnin+nyears-1),]),
               data_rows = list($styr:($styr+nyears-1)),
               sampling_month = list(rep(survey_month,nyears)),
               data_type = c("agecomp"),
               fleet_number = c(1),
               bins = list(age_bins),
               caal_bool = c(FALSE))$agecomp

Once we have the natlength matrix, we can munge the data into the proper CAAL and length bin format for SS

#Check length compositions match age compositions
#ss_length_stdsurv$natlength %>%
#  group_by(time,agecl) %>%
#  summarise(sum(atoutput))

len_comp_data <- ss_length_stdsurv$natlength
fish_len_comp_data <- catch_lengthwt_samp$natlength

  fish_len_comp_anndata <- fish_len_comp_data %>%
    mutate(yr = floor(time/fstepperyr)) %>%
    group_by(species, agecl, lower.bins, upper.bins, time=as.integer(yr)) %>%
    summarise(annnatlength=sum(atoutput)) %>%
    rename(atoutput = annnatlength)
} else {
  fish_len_comp_anndata <- fish_len_comp_data

caal_comp_flat <- reformat_compositions(len_comp_data,                                round.places=4,
## Warning in dcast(data = comp_proportion, formula = time + lower.bins +
## upper.bins ~ : The dcast generic in data.table has been passed a grouped_df
## and will attempt to redirect to the reshape2::dcast; please note that
## reshape2 is deprecated, and this redirection is now deprecated as well.
## Please do this redirection yourself like reshape2::dcast(comp_proportion).
## In the next version, this warning will become an error.
#remove burnin
caal_comp_final <- filter(caal_comp_flat,
                         time %in% survey_years)

#Add over age classes to get sample size
len_comp_flat <- reformat_compositions(len_comp_data,
                                  round.places = 0,
## Warning in dcast(data = comp_proportion, formula = time ~ lower.bins,
## value.var = "comp"): The dcast generic in data.table has been passed
## a grouped_df and will attempt to redirect to the reshape2::dcast;
## please note that reshape2 is deprecated, and this redirection is
## now deprecated as well. Please do this redirection yourself like
## reshape2::dcast(comp_proportion). In the next version, this warning will
## become an error.
#remove burnin
len_comp_final <- filter(len_comp_flat,
                         time %in% survey_years)

length_bins <- as.integer(names(len_comp_final))
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
length_bins <- length_bins[!]

# fishery length comps are still 5 timesteps per year
# need to aggregate to annual (done above)
# also,  make effN annual goal/fstepsperyr (done above)
fish_len_comp_flat <- reformat_compositions(fish_len_comp_anndata,
                                  round.places = 0,
## Warning in dcast(data = comp_proportion, formula = time ~ lower.bins,
## value.var = "comp"): The dcast generic in data.table has been passed
## a grouped_df and will attempt to redirect to the reshape2::dcast;
## please note that reshape2 is deprecated, and this redirection is
## now deprecated as well. Please do this redirection yourself like
## reshape2::dcast(comp_proportion). In the next version, this warning will
## become an error.
#remove burnin works after adjustment above
fish_len_comp_final <- filter(fish_len_comp_flat,
                         time %in% fish_years)

notbins <- c("time", "nsamp")

# fish_length_bins <- as.integer(names(fish_len_comp_final))
# fish_length_bins <- fish_length_bins[!]

# need to fill empty length bins with 0s to have same bins as survey for SS_write_comps
missing.lengths <- setdiff(length_bins, names(fish_len_comp_final)[!names(fish_len_comp_final) %in% notbins])
fish_len_comp_final[as.character(missing.lengths)] <- 0                    # Add them, filled with '0's
fish_len_comp_final <- fish_len_comp_final[c("time", length_bins, "nsamp")]

# fishery age comps also 5 timesteps per year
  fish_age_comp_anndata <- catch_numsss_samp %>%
    mutate(yr = floor(time/fstepperyr)) %>%
    group_by(species, agecl, time=as.integer(yr)) %>%
    summarise(annnatage=sum(atoutput)) %>%
    rename(atoutput = annnatage)
} else {
  fish_age_comp_anndata <- catch_numsss_samp

fish_age_comp_flat <- reformat_compositions(fish_age_comp_anndata,
## Warning in dcast(data = comp_proportion, formula = time ~ agecl, value.var
## = "comp"): The dcast generic in data.table has been passed a grouped_df and
## will attempt to redirect to the reshape2::dcast; please note that reshape2
## is deprecated, and this redirection is now deprecated as well. Please do
## this redirection yourself like reshape2::dcast(comp_proportion). In the
## next version, this warning will become an error.
#remove burnin (not necessary?fish comps made with fish_years only) 
fish_age_comp_final <- filter(fish_age_comp_flat,
                         time %in% fish_years)

# #SS_write_comps breaking because fishery age bins start with 2 not 1; extracting bins from fish file may help?
# fish_age_bins <- names(fish_age_comp_flat)[!names(fish_age_comp_flat) %in% notbins]

# that leaves an empty column in data file, so instead fill with 0s
missing.ages <- setdiff(age_bins, names(fish_age_comp_final)[!names(fish_age_comp_final) %in% notbins])
fish_age_comp_final[missing.ages] <- 0                    # Add them, filled with '0's
fish_age_comp_final <- fish_age_comp_final[c("time", age_bins, "nsamp")]

comp_list <- list(caal_comp_final,len_comp_final, fish_age_comp_final, fish_len_comp_final)

apply_month <- list(rep(survey_month, nrow(comp_list[[1]])), 
                    rep(survey_month, nrow(comp_list[[2]])),

# This now runs by ensuring that survey and fishery compositions have the same bins 
# (filled with 0s for missing bins in fishery relative to survey)

# Write CAAL and length composition data <- SS_write_comps(ss_data_list =, 
                                      comp_matrix = comp_list, 
                                      data_rows = list((comp_list[[1]]$time-survey_sample_time)/timestep + 1 , (survey_years-survey_sample_time)/timestep + 1,fish_years,fish_years),
                                      sampling_month = apply_month, 
                                      data_type = rep(c("agecomp", "lencomp"),2), 
                                      fleet_number = c(2,2,1,1),  
                                      bins = list(age_bins, 
                                      caal_bool = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE,3)))

#Change length bin structure to match atlantis data$lbin_vector <- length_bins

#Get correct number of length bins$N_lbins <- length(length_bins)

#Set lbin_method to 1 - this makes the population length bins match the data bins 
#When lbin_method==1, we just comment out the binwidth, minimum, and maximum size arguments since they aren't used$lbin_method <- 1$binwidth <- "#"$minimum_size <- "#"$maximum_size <- "#"

#Change minimum sample size to 0.001 for CAAL data (SS won't let it go lower than this)$age_info$minsamplesize <- rep(0.001,2)

SS_writedat_3.30(, outfile = paste0("./inst/extdata/",model_dir,
## running SS_writedat_3.30
## opening connection to ./inst/extdata/Sardine_SS_files/sardEM_3_3.dat
## file written to ./inst/extdata/Sardine_SS_files/sardEM_3_3.dat

Coming up with dynamic life history parameters (partial from Christine)

Below we get the weight-length relationship parameters from atlantis, calculate h and R0 from Atlantis \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) parameters, use the function to back out natural mortality (M) from Atlantis, and use the survey length-at-age from Atlantis to estimate a growth curve.

The following is under construction from CreateStockSynthesis.Rmd and not evaluated. Existing control file was modified by hand to make the number of recruitment settlement assignments 1 instead of two, with GPattern month area age vector 1 1 1 1.

#Get biological parameters

#Load needed inputs for biological parameters
#biological parameters
biolprm <- load_biolprm(dir =, file_biolprm = biol.prm.file)#"C:/Users/chris/Documents/GitHub/atlantisom", <- "C:/Users/chris/Documents/GitHub/atlantisom"
#functional groups
fgs <- truth$fgs
runprm <- load_runprm(dir =, file_runprm = run.prm.file)
YOY <- load_yoy(, paste0("output",, "YOY.txt"))
truenums_ss <- truth$nums[results$nums$species==species,]

YOY_ss <- YOY %>%
  select(Time, "SAR.0")

fullresZ <- calc_Z(yoy = YOY_ss,
                   nums = truenums_ss,
                   fgs = fgs,
                   biolprm = biolprm,
                   toutinc = runprm$toutinc)

meanwt_spp <- ss_length_stdsurv$muweight %>% 
  filter(time>burnin) %>%
  group_by(agecl) %>%
  summarize(meanwt = mean(atoutput))

ctlfile_name <-  "sardEM_3_3.ctl"
sardine.ctl <-r4ss::SS_readctl_3.30(paste0("./inst/extdata/",
sardine.ctl <- SS_write_biol(sardine.ctl, biolprm, "SAR", Z = mean(fullresZ$atoutput), wtsage=meanwt_spp)

li_a_use <- biolprm$wl[match(fgs$Code[match(species,fgs$Name)],biolprm$wl[, 1]), 2]/1000
li_b_use <- biolprm$wl[match(fgs$Code[match(species,fgs$Name)],biolprm$wl[, 1]), 3]

#maturity ogive
#check what R0 is

len_nonburn <- ss_length_stdsurv$mulen %>%
  filter(time > burnin*timestep)
plot(len_nonburn$atoutput~len_nonburn$agecl, col=len_nonburn$time) <- data.frame("Year"=(len_nonburn$time-survey_sample_time)/timestep+1, length=len_nonburn$atoutput, Weight=NA, Sex="Female", age=as.integer(len_nonburn$agecl))

#vb_estimates <-sample_fit_vbgf(, 25, 45, 0.4,
#  0.1, 0.1, 20, 40, 0.05, 0.01, 0.01,
#  30, 50, 0.6, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 10)

Run Stock Synthesis

After the data and control file modifications, ensure you copy the local SS 3.3 executable into the folder containing the model files. Then run the following chunk.

#Run stock synthesis model 
# default runs with admb_options = "-noest"
#run_stocksynthesis(species = species, model_dir = model_dir, show_output = TRUE)

# for estimation
run_stocksynthesis(species = species, model_dir = model_dir, admb_options = "", show_output = TRUE)
## Running ss EM for species: Pacific_sardine