These pages document initial testing of the atlantisom package in development at using three different Atlantis output datasets. Development of atlantisom began at the 2015 Atlantis Summit in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Draft atlantisom landing page for review, June 9, 2020

New workflows testing for WGSAM simulated datasets

Total catch in tons now by polygon, fleet, and subannual timestep, in honor of Norwegian Constitution Day, May 17, 2023

Biomass pool groups (lower trophic levels, benthic invertebrates) outputs for “survey” sampling to feed food web models, June 15, 2023

New CCA run

Test run from Isaac, June 30, 2022

NOBA cod dataset take 2

Need to diagnose the annage outputs; they look strange

Starting cod catch at annual age diagnosis, Sept 30, 2021

Multispecies dataset from NOBA sacc_30 with climate and fishery selectivity, Sept 29, 2021

Diagnosing diet and consumption outputs, May 2021

Compare NOBA and CCA consumption outputs, June 15, 2021

Full age structured data for multispecies modeling, June-December 2020

Code converting these outputs to multispecies production model and length structured model inputs is in development as of spring 2021 and is on the ms-keyrun repository. See also Initial simulated data, May 24, 2021

Apply survey specifications to diet outputs, December 7, 2020

Compare multispecies survey specifications, November 9, 2020

Explore NOBA diet comps and multi-survey multispecies wrappers, October 21, 2020

Including detailed diet exploration, multiple surveys, survey function bug fixes for species with < 10 cohorts.

Full age structured dataset for Norwegian Barents cod, March-June 2020

Apply and extend wrappers to get full age structure, updated June 5, 2020

Interpolate to get average weight at true age, June 5, 2020

Also bug fixed config files for multispecies dataset. Interpolate wtage includes data generation for NOBA cod (max age 20), redfish (max age 40), and capelin (max age 5).

Working on wrapper functions, January 2020

Automating om functions to streamline workflows, January 17, 2020 writes dat file as of March 16, 2020

Visualize functions for documentation

Different packages to visualize atlantisom functions, updated June 15, 2020

Demo for NEMoW meeting, December 2019

Sardines in the CalCurrent run with F, rec dev, and climate scenario, all true and SS data, runs SS3, November 21, 2019

An example workflow for a single species (in progress)

Sardines in the CalCurrent, all true data, May 22, 2019, updated May 23, 2019

Sardines in the CalCurrent, input to SS functions: May 24, 2019 - now generalized to run for any species in the cal current with a unique species config file

May 24: Sardines have a full dataset, but still working on converting to true ages for species with multiple ages per age class. See below under True age compositions.

Sardines in the CalCurrent run with F and rec dev scenario, all true and SS data, May 31, 2019, updated June 7

The below generates a readable dat file for input into SS3 for sardines. The control file and biological parameters still need hand modification, but SS3 now runs.

Sardines in the CalCurrent run with F, rec dev, and climate scenario, all true and SS data, October 1, 2019

So we can start some comparisons of true and model estimated attributes.

Compare Atlantis truth with SS3 estimated B, R, and F, October 1, 2019

Read this first on overall workflow

Big picture and new functions needed - May 10, 2019, updated May 16, 2019

May 11: Changes to atlantisom::sample_fish and new atlantisom::aggregateDensityData functions seem to work. See below under Length compositions.

May 15: Changes to atlantisom::calc_age2length to allow user specified max length bin seem to work. Also listed under Length compositions.

May 20-22: Fisheries, corrections to nums at age for Cal Current and decision to read in the catch.txt file for total catch in weight

Testing the atlantisom code

Installation and initial tests - April 26, 2019, updated April 30, 2019

Survey census visualization for NEUS - April 30, 2019

Survey census visualization for CCA - April 30, 2019

Survey census visualization for NOBA - April 30, 2019

Create a standard survey

Initial survey tests - April 30, 2019, updated May 1, 2019

Standard survey visualization for NEUS - May 1, 2019

Standard survey visualization for CCA - May 1, 2019

Standard survey visualization for NOBA - May 1, 2019

Start age composition sampling: by output age class, not true age

Initial age comp tests - May 2, 2019, updated May 6, 2019

CCA outputs had some 0 length at age, requiring changes to atlantisom::sample_fish

True and sample fish census comparison NEUS - May 6, 2019

True and sample fish census comparison CCA - May 6, 2019

True and sample fish census comparison NOBA - May 6, 2019

Standard survey with composition sampling: impact of selectivity, sample_fish

Compare true cohort comp with survey + sampling - May 6, 2019

True cohort comp vs survey comparison NEUS - May 6, 2019

True cohort comp vs survey comparison CCA - May 6, 2019

True cohort comp vs survey comparison NOBA - May 6, 2019

Length compositions

Difficult when you don’t have a good idea of the outputs you are using!

Defeated by length compositions - May 8-9, 2019

Better when you do:

Victory: length compositions - May 11, 2019

CCA length composition examples - May 11, 2019

But don’t try running length comps at the subannual level for all species.

NOBA length composition examples - May 13, 2019

NEUS length composition examples - May 13, 2019

Standard survey with length sampling: impact of selectivity, sample_fish

Compare survey + sampled lengths with true - May 14, 2019

CCA compare survey + sampled lengths with true - May 14, 2019

NOBA compare survey + sampled lengths with true - May 15, 2019

NEUS compare survey + sampled lengths with true - May 15, 2019

Test new user specified max length bin for a large species:

Default 150 cm, try different max - May 15, 2019

Do we see ever small fish for large species? Is this normal, or a problem with length estimation?

Are length comps OK on the small end? - May 15, 2019

May 16: Isaac says CCA fish look reasonable. NOBA Greenland halibut growth parameterization was reportedly “a nightmare” with conflicting science and datasets, so maybe we don’t worry too much about them right now.

Weight at age: by output age class, how to get to true age basis?

How much variability in weight at stage? - May 16, 2019

Work in progress on interpolating weight at age in InterpolateWeightAtAge.Rmd

Testing a full workflow through fisheries (sardine, agecl = true age)

Try for true datasets new CC model with climate - May 21, 2019, updated May 22, 2019 with catch correction

Fishery catch problem, older codebase has a bug in output. Test with NOBA…

Suggests a workaround needed for catch in weight - May 21, 2019

True age compositions

Initial testing of true age functions, now running but output still wrong - May 24, 2019, updated May 27, 2019

Test Z calc and compare with true annage NOBA - May 24, 2019

May 24: Either calc_Z or calc_stage2age or both are incorrect if we expect them to exactly match atlantis annual age ouput where it is available. We match in timestep 0, then diverge. May 27 update: also true for Bocaccio in CCA, the interim numbers at age drop to 0.

June 7: calc_Z seems incorrect when compared to outputMort.txt; stepping through code needed

June 11: fixed matching of recruitment to timestep, still seems off

June 13: I think we have the best calc_Z we are going to get. After discussion with Beth, we should not expect to match output of Mort.txt because M gets rescaled so much. However, the comparison looks reasonable now for sardine and even for NOBA cod.

Test Z calc and compare with output mort CCA and NOBA - June 7, 2019, updated June 13 and December 11 with M

Dec 11: Our calculated Z is less than the input F. Does Atlantis rescale F?

June 14: fixed a bug and calc_stage2age works better now that it is using Z, and now that Zs are in the right ballpark. Still not a perfect match to true age output.

Test stage to age calculations and compare true age output NOBA - June 14, 2019

June 15: while the age splitting is functioning better, applying it to a species with more than 2 ages per age class (CC Bocaccio rockfish) shows that our application of an annual Z estimate may not be the best approach. The functions themselves could use further tweaking.

Overall it is advisable to use true age output from more recent Atlantis codebases where possible.

Redo Bocaccio test with CCA F scenario, June 15, 2019

Further experiments with M, F, and Z across models and species confirm that mortality needs a lot more work:

Why is mortality all over the map? June 12, 2020

Rabbit holes that turned out ok

In which I broke the very first thing that worked, then fixed it - June 4, 2019

More to come later!